Will we all be able to gather again after the Covid-19?
That might be the most asked question nowadays, as well as one of the most searched and typed questions on any searcher.
Who knows, everything looks like slowing down little by little, but this is something new for us all, so we do not know the reach and the possible outcome from this virus.
What is real is that it made a significant impact on our daily lives. Not only just for staying at home, practically stopping entire countries, but also on our minds. From here, I take the chance to send my condolences and best wishes to all those affected by this virus.
How is this going to affect our daily routine after all this is gone? Will we all get back to normal as before the virus? Or on the contrary, will we be affected by this such as we would not be able to carry out our social life as we used to?
The truth is that we are uncertain about how this will become us afterwards, what we know is that we are indeed very looking forward to seeing our beloved ones, hugging them, kissing them and spending time with them. Attend concerts, visit museums and keep on doing our routine.
It is paradoxical that what we called routine it was what it set us free. We must be never regretted about our daily routine. We need to learn to live and enjoy every second of our freedom and life. This situation, for sure, we will set us free and will teach us how to live fully and value what we did not use to value before it. That may be the perfect outcome we should get after this virus.
Hopefully, all this may end by Summer, when we will be back to fully normal from September on, according to the latest news. Whatever this is, I have been called to perform a Haydn piano concerto in October, so fingers crossed.
October 3rd from 6.30 pm in St Cuthbert’s church, London. We have decided to release a certain number of tickets for free in order to celebrate this welcoming of the “back-to-normal-era”. So in case, all this is sorted by then, and you would like to join a Classical concert in London after all this madness, do not hesitate to contact WKMT and tell the team you come from Medium. You will receive free tickets to attend.
More info here.
Until then, I will keep myself at home and studying this beautiful concert for you all.
Hopefully, we will see you all,
Keep well, healthy and strong! We all can beat the virus!