Have you ever thought of learning music production? Such an interesting subject very requested nowadays at all London music studios.
We have seen our Music Production students increased lately considerably, that’s why we thought convenient to create a series of articles talking and explaining deeply this concept. That way you could learn easily the main basics of Music Production with our experienced Sound Engineer.
Thomas Rickerby is the person in charge of this experience, music production teacher at WKMT London, has great experience working with us during our piano recording sessions, as well as in our concerts and Festivals organised in London. A job always perfectly done, and happy with his results. That’s why he is the right person to write this series of articles. We have now published the first and second chapter, and just waiting for the third one.
In this series, you will learn the meaning of Music production concept, its importance nowadays, as well as its main uses. Main characters of the history of this subject and the platforms and systems used when producing music.
Use the links below mentioned to the different chapters. We all hope it helps you out with your new musical adventure. Music production at WKMT:
Music Production in London -PART I
Music Production in London -PART II
Music Production in London -PART III
Music Production in London -PART IV
Music Production in London-PART V