Piano practising cycle: Recommended to Grade 5+ Piano Students
Are you an advanced piano student? In case you are, are you willing to go for Grades either at Trinity or ABRSM? If your answer to both is yes, you will need a piano practising cycle to follow accordingly to reach your goals in a short term.
As a concert pianist and piano teacher know what’s usually needed for any musical preparation. And thanks to my experience as a piano professor in London for more than 10 years, I would like to present what I name Piano practising cycle. A process which will guide you and help you reach your near piano exams, in case you are Grade 5 +.
As you many times might have been told, the practice is everything, practice makes perfect, and that’s for sure. But not everyone knows how to practice or train by themselves. That’s the reason I committed to creating different articles in which I explain how to do it properly and efficiently.
In this new case, I explain how to organise your practising time, in order to get the most out of it in every session. Based on my experience and my own practise sessions, you can follow easy procedures that I believe will help you to practice all that you will need effectively.
Have a look at my article posted at WKMT Blog, link below, and you will learn some helpful advice. As well as other articles related to this matter.
Ps. The video posted above is from VII Music Festival in which my student, Mark Yeo, performed putting on stage what he learnt at our sessions. I hope you enjoy it!