Kora, The People’s Voice
Did you hear about Olga Jackowska before reading this title? What about Kora? Do you know anything about the Polish music scene?
Well, whether your answer is yes or no to the previous questions, here we bring a new post entirely about her. Dominik Brendan, singing and piano tutor in London for WKMT has recently collaborated with WKMT Blog writing about a famous singer from Poland, Kora, her pseudonym used during her career.
Olga, or Kora, is one of the most famous polish singers of the last decades. Despite her age, she was still on the stage as well as on the main music scene thanks to all the years as experience as a singer in Poland. It has been such a powerful career. Although she was considered within pop-rock, the truth is that she innovated and went through different music styles too. She was also known for her own compositions and lyrics. At the beginning of her career, most of the songs were signed by her previous husband, but nowadays, we all know that she was actually behind all those lyrics.
The main reason? Well, she also fought in numerous campaigns for the equality between man and woman, as well as for the abortion among other women laws needed in Poland for that while. She dared to write about different issues making campaigns in a Poland convulsed and managed under the Soviet Union. It is now known that she was on the “blacklist” of politicians and parts of the society for her rawness when talking about politics and society.
Undoubtedly, it is a story that we shouldn’t leave behind without knowing at least. So take the chance to read more about her through the link aforementioned.